
Gitarre allgemein:

Digitalisierte Notendrucke:

Monografien und Fachartikel:

Atlas, Allan W. (2002): Giulio Regondi: Two Newly Discovered Letters

Blauwesalon (2017): Het spelen der Guitaar, benevens alle Vrouwelijke Handwerken

Budasz, Rogério (2015): Bartolomeo Bortolazzi (1772-1846): Mandolinist, Singer, and Presumed Carbonaro

Button, Stuart (1992): The Teaching of the Guitar in England during the 19th Century

Carpintero Fernández, Ana (2009): Federico Moretti (1769-1839), I. Vida y obra musical

Carpintero Fernández, Ana (2010): Federico Moretti (1769-1839), II. Descripción y estudio de las ediciones de los Principios

Carpintero Fernández, Ana (2010): Federico Moretti, un enigma descifrado

Coldwell, Robert (2019): Memoirs of Madame Giulia Pelzer

Coldwell, Robert (2022): Luigi Legnani's Missing Opus 9

Confalone, Nicoletta/Grégory Leclair (2016): Giuliani’s Naples: A Walking Tour 

de la Cruz, Pablo (2011): EL FIXATEUR (La Trípode) DE DIONISIO AGUADO “Una cita con la historia”

Danner, Peter (1985): The Guitar in Nineteenth-Century America: A Lost Social Tradition

Elliker, Calvin (2002): A bibliographical footnote to Benton and Halley

Gil de Avalle, Daniel (2014): Guitare Benito Campo de 1840 et le célèbre Tripodion de Dionisio Aguado

Gimeno, Julio (2011): Los armonicos en la musica para guitarra

Grün, Andreas (2006): Charles Baron d’Aichelbourg und seine vier Duos für Mandoline und Gitarre

Hackl, Stefan (2007): Zwei Concertini von Johann Padowetz (Ivan Padovec) für Terzgitarre und Streicher. Zur Wiederentdeckung der verschollenen Werke

Hackl, Stefan (2019): Mauro Giuliani and Austrian Folk Music

Hackl, Stefan (2023): The Guitars of the Tyrolese Minstrels

Heck, Thomas F. (1972): Stalking the Oldest Six-String Guitar

Hofmann, Erik Pierre (2017): A Royal Gift - Marie-Louise and the Guitar

Hofmann, Erik Pierre (2019): Une élégante guitare parisienne, fabriquée à Mirecourt

Hofmann, Erik Pierre (2023): The Guitar à la Sagrini

Jäggin, Christoph (2016): Aus böser Zeit. Miszellen zu zwei gitarrebegleiteten Schweizer Liedersammlungen

Jeić, Jadran (2022): Franz Fink (1790-1872) - A Disciple of Johann Georg Stauffer and the First Professional Stringed Musical Instrument Maker in Zagreb

Kenyon, Stephen (1997): Articulation and Authenticity in 19th-Century Guitar Music

Kloss, Jürgen (2012): The "Guittar" In Britain 1753-1800

Kresse, Bernhard (2008): Lacote / Coste Heptacorde, 1855

Lawrence, Thomas (2000): Giulio Regondi in Ireland

Lindmeier, Hannah (2018): Die Gitarre - ein ‚Fraueninstrument' des 19. Jahrhunderts? Handlungsspielräume von Gitarristinnen am Beispiel von Catharina Josepha Pratten

López, Antonio Manzanera (2018): Antonio Cano y Curriela (Lorca, 1811-Madrid, 1897). Guitarrista ilustre

Lorenz, Michael (2014): Stauffer Miscellanea

Lorenz, Michael (2015): New Light on Mauro Giuliani's Vienna Years

Lorenz, Michael (2015): A Giuliani Anecdote

Martín-Gil, Damián (2018): The Guitarist behind La Guitaromanie : Charles de Marescot

Martín-Gil, Damián (2018): A Checklist of Works Attributed to Charles de Marescot

Martín-Gil, Damián (2020): Unraveling the Discussion entre les Carulistes et les Molinistes (Paris, 1828)

Martín-Gil, Damián (2021): La partida de matrimonio de Fernando Sor (Granada, 1812)

Martín-Gil, Damián (2023): The Classical Guitar in Spain, Portugal, Italy & Germany. A General Approach to Its History

Mathieu, Cla (2011): Sechs Schubert’sche Lieder von Caspar Joseph Mertz

McCormick, John (2003): Songs with guitar from the age of Napoleon

Michel, Andreas / Müller-Harang, Ulrike (2008): "Die Guitarre ist da, und sie hat einen schönen Ton." Die Gitarre im klassischen Weimar

Moßburger, Hubert (2009): Harmonik und Aufführungspraxis

Miner, Gregg (2008): The Lacote Décacorde and Heptacorde: Multi-string Guitars, Extended Range Guitars, Bass Guitars or Harp Guitars?

Oort, Bart van (2016): Understanding Classical and Early Romantic Dynamics 1750-1830

Ophee, Matanya (2008): A Short History of the use of the left-hand thumb

Orlandi, Ugo (2017): Bartolomeo Bortolazzi (1772-1846), virtuoso mandolinista e chitarrista bresciano

Page, Christopher (2014/15): Men, Women and Guitars in Romantic England

Paget, Jonathan (2015): Recent Sonata Theory and the Performance of Early Nineteenth-Century Guitar Sonatas

Penn, Gerhard (2014): Mauro Giuliani und andere Gitarristen in München - Übersehene Fakten und verschollene Werke

Poore, Tom (2004): Did Sor and Aguado Use Rest Stroke?

Pleijsier, Paul (2001/2002): Found: A Giuliani Guitar, Kept in a London Bank Since 1816

Poulopoulos, Panagiotis (2015): The Guitar as an "Open-Air" Instrument in the Early Romantic Era

Poulopoulos, Panagiotis (2015): Das Musizieren im Freien in der Zeit des Biedermeier

Rosenblum, Sandra P. (1994): The Uses of Rubato in Music, Eighteenth to Twentieth Centuries

Savijoki, Jukka (2019): "So that the soul would dance in you" The Guitar in Finland before the Twentieth Century

Sinier De Ridder, Daniel (2003): Lacote à Paris

Sinier De Ridder, Daniel (2010): The romantic guitar: french or italian influence?

Sinier De Ridder, Daniel (2011): The guitar: transition to 6 strings

Southwell, Gary (1983): The Panormo Guitar and its Makers

Sparr, Kenneth (2018): Barthélemy Trille Labarre: Professeur de Guitare et Compositeur, Élève d’Haydn

Stenstadvold, Erik (2015): Fernando Sor on the Move in the Early 1820s

Stenstadvold, Erik (2017): A Newly Discovered Letter of 1827 by Fernando Sor

Stenstadvold, Erik (2020): Sor's Guitar Music - A Fresh Start

Stenstadvold, Erik (2022): New Information on Sor and Gil Blas

Soattin, Luca (2021): Were all guitars of the nineteenth century ‘Romantic’?

Taborda, Marcia E. (2021): O violão na corte imperial. 2ª edição revisada

Torres Cortés, Norberto (2016): Guitarra de seis órdenes y guitarra pre-flamenca en la segunda mitad del siglo XVIII

Tsuruta, Makoto (2003): Research on Fabricatore family

Urena, Cesar (2020): Heinrich Aloys Praeger (1783-1854). Un recupero necessario

van Tichelen, Pieter (2022): Wranitzky and Lehmann, Variations on “Ich bin liederlich” for violin or mandolin and guitar (Vienna, 1809) 

van Vliet, Ari (2015): Napoléon Coste: Composer and Guitarist in the Musical Life of 19th-Century Paris

van Vliet, Ari (2024): Napoléon Coste: the Revelation of a Great Romantic Composer and Guitarist. Part I - Life

Viti, Piero (2020): Il periodo italiano di Ferdinando Carulli


Abeijón, Ricardo Iván Barceló (2009): O sistema posicional na guitarra: origem e conceitos de posição: o caso de Fernando Sor. Universidade de Aveiro.

Bampenyou, Rattanai (2012): A Performance Guide to the Multi-Movement Guitar Sonatas of Fernando Sor and Mauro Giuliani. University of Miami.

Bozóki, Andrea (2009): The History of Hungarian Guitar Playing to the End of the 19th Century. Zeneakadémia, Budapest.

Britton, Andrew (2010): The Guitar in the Romantic Period. Its musical and social development, with special reference to Bristol and Bath. Royal Holloway, University of London.

Button, Stewart William (1984): The guitar in England 1800-1924. University of Surrey.

Choi, Misei (2010): Der musikalische Vortrag im 19. Jahrhundert. Musiktheoretische und -ästhetische. Untersuchungen. Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster. 

Copeland, Jeffrey (2012): Ornamentation In Eighteenth-Century Guitar Music: An Examination Of Instruction Manuals From 1750-1800. Arizona State University.

Culler, Austin Ryan (2023): Improvising early-nineteenth century guitar music: the application of partimento rules with realizations informed by the music of Mauro Giuliani and Fernando Sor. University of Lethbridge

Fourie-Gouws, Josina Nina (2017): The solo classical guitar concerto: A soloist’s preparatory guide to selected works. University of Pretoria. 

García Antón, Fernando (2017): La guitarra española en la conformación de una identidad sonora nacional entre ilustración y romanticismo (1789-1833). Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.

Garrick, Jamie (2014): The Intimate Virtuoso: The Guitar, the Rhetoric of Transformation, and Issues of Spectacle in Music by Fernando Sor, Johann K. Mertz, and Giulio Regondi. Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand.

Hartdegen, Kenneth Angus (2011): Fernando Sor’s Theory of Harmony Applied to the Guitar: History, Bibliography and Context. The University of Auckland.

James, Douglas Goff (1994): Luigi Rinaldo Legnani: His life and position in European music of the early nineteenth century, with an annotated performance edition of selections from 36 Capricci per Tutti I Tuoni Maggiori E Minori, Opus 20. The University of Arizona.

Jones, Lindsay (2020): Music by the Ducat: Giuliani’s Guitar and Vienna’s Musical Markets, 1806–1819. University of Toronto.

Koivisto, Pekka (2019): Aspects of Social and Stylistic Associations in Four Works of Mauro Giuliani. University of Arts Helsinki, Sibelius Academy.

Komentrakarn, Nalin (2003): Pedagogical Analysis of Thirty-Seven Sonatas, M.S.84 by Paganini. Mahidol University, Salaya.

Liew, Robert C. (1983): The guitar chamber trio from 1780 to 1830 - its style and structure. Texas Tech University.

Lochbaum, Stephen Arthur (2019): An Overview and Performance Guide to the 10 Etudes for Guitar by Giulio Regondi. University of North Texas.

Mattingly, Stephen (2007): Franz Schubert's Chamber Music with Guitar. The Florida State University.

Mazanek, Matthew (2021): Implicit Curriculum: Improvisation Pedagogy in Guitar Methods 1760-1860. Royal Irish Academy of Music.

McFadden, Jeffrey James (2010): Fretboard Harmony for University Study: Method and Historical Context. University of Toronto.

Mesquita, Tayro Louzeiro (2021): Análise formal e estilística do Grand Solo op. 14 de Fernando Sor (1778-1839): Influências e interações com a ópera clássica italiana. Universidade Federal de Goiás.

Moolman, Jonathan Louis (2010): Key factors that contributed to the guitar developing into a solo instrument in the early 19th century. University of Pretoria.

Nogueira, Hugo Maia (2017): Grand Solo Op.14 & Rondo Op2. N3: The Sonority of the Classical Era. University of Nevada, Las Vegas.

Nunes, Rui Pedro Namora (2017): L´indispensable op. 40 de Leonard Schulz - o contributo didático de uma obra esquecida. Escola Superior de Música e Artes do Espetáculo, P. Porto.

O’Toole, Redmond (2020): Hudleston’s Harmonic Sounds: An Evaluation of Josiah Hudleston’s 1841 Treatise on Guitar HarmonicsRoyal Irish Academy of Music.

Poulopoulos, Panagiotis (2011): The Guittar in the British Isles, 1750-1810. The University of Edinburgh.

Pyall, Nicholas (2021): The Viennese Guitar and its Influence in North America: Form, Use, Stringing, and Social Associations. London Metropolitan University.

Rego, Eusiel Silva do (2012): Fernando Sor e as transcrições Opus 19 para violão de Seis árias escolhidas de A flauta mágica de Mozart: uma abordagem estético-analítica. Universidade de São Paulo.

Rodriguez, Sergio (2017): Comparison of the Méthode Pour La Guitare by Fernando Sor with the Méthode Complète Pour La Guitare Par Ferdinand Sor, Rédigée Et Augmentée De Nombreux Exemples Et Leçons Suivis D'une Notice Sur La 7e Corde by Napoléon Coste. University of North Texas.

Roos, Gerrit Lukas (2009): The development of right hand guitar technique with reference to sound production. University of Pretoria.

Rosvoll, Lars (2012): Fernando Sor's Evolution as a Performer and Composer as Reflected in the Revisions of the Grande Sonate, Op. 22. The University of Arizona.

Tsai, I-Hsuan (2018): A comparative analysis of fundamental guitar techniques including those of the nineteenth century and the present. Ball State University, Muncie/Indiana.

Valois, Pascal (2009): Les guitaristes français entre 1770 et 1830. Université Laval.

van Vliet, Ari (2015): Napoléon Coste: componist en gitarist in het muziekleven van het 19e-eeuwse Parijs. Universiteit Utrecht.

Walter, Adrian (2008): The Early Nineteenth Century Guitar: An Interpretive Context for the Contemporary Performer. Charles Darwin University.

Westbrook, James Robert (2013): Guitar making in nineteenth-century London: Louis Panormo and his contemporaries. University of Cambridge.

Zangari, Giuseppe (2013): Mauro Giuliani (1781-1829): Instrumental and Vocal Style in Le Sei Rossiniane. The University of Sydney.

Diplom- und Bachelorarbeiten:


Aguado, Angel Benito - Modelle: Lacôte (modelo Dionisio Aguado), Coffe-Goguette

de Ridder, Senier - Restaurierungen: Lacôte, Petit Jean, Coffe-Goguette, Collin u. a.

de Witte, Martin - Modelle: Lété, Stauffer, Panormo

Dietrich, Frank-Peter und Markus - Modelle: Fabricatore, Stauffer, Lacôte, Panormo

Dupont, Maurice - Modell: Coffe-Goguette

Emmerich, Wolfgang - Modelle: Thibout, Mougeot, Lacôte, Petit Jean, Stauffer, Panormo

Fischer, Paul - Modell: Panormo

Garcia, Arnoldo - Modelle: Fabricatore, Lacôte

Gropp, Armin & Mario - Modelle: Stauffer, frz. Romantikgitarre (ca. 1820)

Hoffmann, Erik Pierre - Restaurierungen: Stauffer, Lacôte, Mauchant u. a.

Hurttig, Martin - Modelle: Lajoue, Pagés, Petit Jean, Claudot, Machal, JG Thielemann u. a.

Kresse, Bernhard - Modelle: Roudhloff, Lacôte, Stauffer, Panormo, Ries, Scherzer

Mottet-Rio, Philippe - Modelle: Fabricatore, Pagés, Grobert, Stauffer, La Prévotte, Panormo

Ochs, Thomas - Modelle: Knößing, Stauffer

Okenica, Martin - Modelle: Stauffer, Lacôte, Laprévotte

Robb, Arthur - Restaurierungen: Fabricatore, Cabasse, Panormo u. a.

Rovis-Hermann, Simon - Modelle: Lacôte, Stauffer

Salvador, Renzo - Modelle mit 6 Chören oder sieben Saiten

Schreiner, Michael - Modelle: Lacôte, Stauffer, Panormo

Southwell, Gary - Modelle: Lacôte, Stauffer, Panormo, Scherzer

Stephany, Annette - Modell: Marconcini

Thames, Michael - Modelle: Pons, Lacôte

Tremblay, Scot - Modelle: Fabricatore, Pagés, Lacôte, Grobert, Stauffer, Panormo, Aubry-Maire, Humel

Tulacek, Jan - Modelle: Fabricatore, Stauffer, Ries, Scherzer, Lacôte, Panormo

Voigt Luthiers - Modelle: Pagés, Panormo, Lacôte, Stauffer

Watchorn, Ian - Modelle: Pagés, Panormo, Lacôte, Stauffer, Guadagnini
